Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An Odd Day

First of all... sorry to all of you who tried to view the photos from the link I provided and were not able to.... here it is again... hope it works this time?

Let me know!

Ok so Tuesday I had planned on attending a childrens conference at the encouragment of the man who created an itenerary for me while I am here in Perth. I was a bit hesitant because I was not all that excited about attending another conference I diddnt really belong at and I am not really feeling particularly called to childrens ministry. I did agree to go however... I mean I had to give it a chance right?

After arriving at the conference, I found it to be held at a beautiful monistary, but the rooms we were using were in a seperate building...bummer. When we found the room the conference was held in I was supprised to find that only about 20 people were there and everyone was sitting facing the front of the room in big comfortable chairs. In the front of the room was this big plant pot filled with dirt with hooks hanging all around it, and next to it was another smaller pot with seed in it. There was ambient music that sounded a bit like gothic vox or hynms or something. It was weird. One by one everyone came up and 'scattered' seed into the bit pot and hung a silk scarf on one of the hooks. I guess it was symbolic of scattering the seed of Jesus into the world? It was just... different.

I then found out it was in fact a catholic conference... hmmm ...ok? Everyone then sang along with one of the strange songs playing and read this prayer.... it was a nice prayer.. but again.. weird.

After the opening ceremony everyone headed into a smaller room with lots of tables and we listened to a Bishop speak on evangalism. I was so exausted from the bad night sleep I had the night before that listening was the last thing on my mind. When I did however I found it to be information that I had heard so many times... and just tuned the rest of it out. It really diddnt seem to have a whole lot to do with childrens ministry.. and although the bishop wasnt a terrible speaker.. it was pretty... um... boring.

During morning tea (morning break) I ended up talking to two middle aged ladies and... i think we all just pretended to be interested in actually talking to eachother... although I really diddnt put a whole lot of effort into it (sorry... i was just so tired and really wanted to leave...)and one of them showed me pictures of her new grandaughter who *gasp* has the same name as me. O joy.

After the second morning session we had lunch and I met more people and had to repeat my " I am on a holiday at the moment, just graduated high school... no I dont know where I am going to college... and I am on a 'round the world trip... this is my second stop... blah blah blah" like a million times. Its so tempting to change it up every now and then though... and i did at at one point tell some people that i was considering a double major in psychology and music so i could help the emotional needs of the children in africa through music (its not entirly a lie... i am... 'considering' it... lol)They were quite impressed.

One lady came up to me and asked what I thought of all the teaching thus far. Inside I was thinking," UM I HAVE NO IDEA! I DONT REMEMBER HALF THE THINGS THAT BISHIOP GUY SAID... NO OFFENCE BUT I REALLY DONT CARE... AND IT WAS THE LONGEST MORNING OF MY LIFE!!"

But not to worry... all she heard was, "Somtimes it takes me awhile to process things, but I found all of the information very... interesting."

After the morning conference the rest of the people were going on some tour to a place I had already seen and so Brady (the man who organized everything for me) took me home. Kinda... you see we had a slight detour of about... oh... and hour and a half where he drove me all around the entire city of Perth and surrounding areas showing me all his family's favorite places and what not. He was an excellent tour guide with so much information on all of the places we drove by... it just was not the best timing and i was about ready to explode. I felt bad though because he was taking the time to do this and everything but.. yeah. Then we took a 'slightly' longer scenic rout home...


The rest of the day was good though and I am starting to see the humor in all of it. Needless to say I am not going back to that conference.

Also one of my friends I met in sydney kept texting me all these hillareous things in the middle of the siminar and i had to bite my lips to keep from laughing... which was funny because everyone else was dead serious the entire time and i kept smiling really big and laughing in a giggly/muffled way. I am sure i annoyed some people... but i really diddnt care. I did try to be as quiet as i possibly could though and not distracting.

I know that my attitude sounds sounds terrible... and it was.. but there are some times when that kind of attitude arrises and there is not much you can do about it.

It is pretty funny though... it would have made for a good Fraiser Episode....


Andy said...

I feel your pain with having to tell the story over and over again. We had the same thing in the US. Get used to it, you've got a while more of it left ;)

Anonymous said...

lol, i love the brutal honesty, how many times iv'e gone through the same thing and felt the same way.

mom said...

Dear Emily,

Sounds like one of Dad's sermons. Boy have I struggeled to stay awake during those things. These comments aren't read by everyone are they.
