Sunday, November 25, 2007

Its Been A Long Time Coming

Hey Everyone….

I know it’s been a LOOONG time since I have blogged, I am very sorry. I was in a country where I couldn’t access my blog site. Now I am in France and I will do my best to keep up with my blog and update you all on everything that has been happening.

Well, right now I am in Massy, France. It is about half and hour outside of Paris. Unfortunately France is experiencing a transportation strike because of some new changes the President has introduced. I am hoping the strike ends soon so that I can catch a train into Paris (as of now… practically none of the mass-transit system is running, and the people I am staying with do not own a car) but... I must be patient. The people I am staying with here (Steve and Yvonne) have said we could borrow a car this weekend from their friends and maybe go to see some sites. That should be fun.

Well… since it has been a few weeks that I have updated my blog… let my try to fill you in on my time in Laos.

My first impression of Laos was that it was a lot like Mexico… lots of poor friendly people and lots of dirt. Over my time there however, my perspective changed and I began to fall in love with this amazing country.
I really cannot contain in words the things that have been opened in my heart upon visiting so many countries, and the impact that Laos had on me I am still only beginning to discover. It was my first experience in a communist country, and honestly, until you experience it, it’s hard to understand. In America, we don’t realize and appreciate our freedom. Instead we take it for granted, and in a way it can become a prison. We cannot easily imagine a life without this freedom, we cannot empathize with those who are not free, and our daily lives revolve solely around what we want them to. We are often imprisoned by our comfort, because it inhibits us from thinking about those who are not free. We forget that it is a gift, yet it is not one we deserve. Instead, it is one that we have been given, not so that we can abuse and forget its worth, but so that we can take the blessings it offers and the opportunities it gives, and reach out to those who would other ways never taste this beautiful thing called freedom.

I met so many awesome people on my trip through Laos. So many impressed themselves into my heart, and I will carry their memories always.

I will try to write more about my day-to-day activities soon. Keep me posted on what’s going on back home! Keep the people of Laos in your prayers.

The Blog posted previous to this one was written while I was in Laos and sent as an email to a friend. I hope you enjoy reading it… it may give you more of an idea on my time in Laos. I will try to post pictures when I get home in December.


Laos was seriously amazing. I really had
no idea places like this exsisted outside of National Geographic...
ah... typical American me hey? Its just been a beautiful eye opening
experience!! I went on a river boat one day and felt like I was in a
postcard. The smooth muddy water surrounded by steep banks covered in
exotic bushes and trees was only accented by local kids playing in
the river or people doing laundry in the river. It was amazing.

The food is good here... although I did start to get a slight bit
queasy the other day and was supprisingly excited about something
bland and somewhat American at a Lao Wedding I went to (its very
strange... they have this stew that is almost identical to any
American Beef Stew). I think as much as I want to say I love spicy
and exotic food all the time... i have my moments when I just want a
grilled-cheese sandwich haha.

Being in a Communist country is just... wow. It boggles my mind
some of the things I hear that go on... and I have to be careful what
words I use on email and stuff. Its seriously just so amazing.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

sorry its been so loooong!!

Hey everyone,

I am so sorry it has been so long since I have updated my blog.... hope none of you worried! Everything is going fine here, and I am making some really good friends. One of the girls I have been spending heaps of time with lately is Shyla. She is from hawaii and just so much fun! She is joyful and open and today we went to kichijoji (the next train stop over) to go shopping together and last night we watched a movie. She is so sweet. I needed a friend here and God provided.

I will give you a quick update as to whats going on here in Mitaka (the town I am staying in)...

Yesterday was our big haloween outreach and it was amazing how many people showed up!! One of the stinters gave his testimony and afterwards everyone broke up into groups of about six to discuss a few questions relating to the message. In every group there was at least one staffer to help guide discussion and answer questions. I was with Shyla and about 6 other students. The last discussion question was: Do you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus? Why or why not?"

When we got to the end it was amazing that almost every single one of the students wanted to know more. As we had more conversation we got to the point of asking if anyone wanted to ask Jesus into their hearts. Two girls said yes!!

Shy and I took them upstairs where it wasnt so loud and led them to Christ. It was pretty much amazing. I remember thinking when they said yes, "really?! what do I do again...?!!?" It was so cool though. When I asked them how they felt, one of them said (pointing to her heart with a contemplative smile on her face), "I feel a freedom, a freedom from something" and the other said, "I feel very glad, much more glad then yesterday." They both nodded in agreement with eachother smiling. As we continued to explain more about the family they just joined they were bubbling with curiosity and everytime we told them something new their eyes would get wide with amazement and they would say with joy, "really?!?! Wow!! So amazing!" Hehe it was so cute! They really loved that we were all sisters, and one girl who said she had been seeking God for awhile was really deeply struck by the idea that God would never ever leave her. It was truly a beautiful thing.

I am about ready to head off onto another part of my big adventure...Laos. Im very very sad to leave here... I have made so many good friends and will miss Japan so much.

I have a few prayer requests as well... the last few days I have been feeling a little down. I also am having a hard time getting a good sleeping schedual down, and I keep having bad dreams. I think I am a bit anxious about a few things. I also am having a hard time being away from home in the light of dad stepping down from church. I wish I could call everyone... I am pretty sure I will be able to tomorrow though... and I am very happy about that!!!

love you all